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The Institutional Review Board (IRB) establishes clear definitions of Level I/II/III data sensitivity and provides concrete requirements for the data protection. Based on the information you provided to the IRB, your research may fall under one of the three data sensitivity levels.

This form is required for Hussman School of Journalism and Media faculty, staff and students collecting research data classified as level II or level III. We make every effort to configure University-owned machines for proper security, but in the case of laptops or personal machines, we lose control the moment the machine leaves our building. We can help you secure your machine properly, but it is ultimately your responsibility to protect the research data.

By completing this form you acknowledge that you reviewed the data security requirements and understand the requirements and treatment of your research data.

It is strongly recommended that you consult with an IT Professional and/or the Information Security Liaison in your unit to understand your responsibilities and the secure technology resources that are available from UNC-CH.

Both individuals and devices working with study data must be in compliance with the Information Security Controls Standard and other applicable policies.

Study data either stored with or shared with an external organization such as another research organization or using a cloud-based platform must be approved and rated for working with sensitive data. Previously-approved applications can be found at the Information Security Office’s Purchasing Guide. Unless the application on the guide is available for general use, please open a request for a risk assessment and data governance review via ITS Help.

Any access to study data from individuals or systems must follow the Password, Pass-phrases, and Other Authentication Methods Standard.

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